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Saturday, September 23, 2006 @11:08 am

Holidays are coming to the end in the few days time and it seems so fast and feels like not even holiday. However, I am glad that though I am busy with certain projects such as Project Indigo and NDP I really enjoyed doing in the process.

Project Indigo took us 1 week? to complete the shooting production.
Here are some of the behind the scenes:

Preparing to start shooting at Chestnut Ave:

Gay zid in the car and bryan the driver:

The 2 gay boys in full suit:

The final group shot after we finished shooting: (without kathleen and Poh Li)

Taking the final picture with our Honda Jazz SFU9091X:

I miss u SFU 9091X !

After production we begin to enjoy ourselves in our class chalet. Many things happened while we were in the chalet. We bbq and played PS2 and some ball games. After the bbq my group consisting of ( Stan, Hfz, Zid, Poh Li and myself) joined Senjie, Felix and Jason and went on a "hunting" trip to the OCH during the 1st night or rather morning ? After which something terrible happened...

Poh Li was being "possessed" and all of us had to bring him back to the chalet. Fortunately we managed to calm him down and let him rest. I could see that those who didn't went to the OCH with us were quite frightened. We continued to do our stuff till nearly 5 plus in the morning and we decided to go and view the sunrise. After which zid, hfz and I had to go to sch to return the video equipments :( My eyes were nearly closing when we were in the mrt and all of us were so called "stoned" and our minds were blank because to no sleep. Anyways after we went to sch, we had lunch went back to tm and bought some stuffs and finally went back to chalet. Upon reaching the chalet we decided to go to pulau ubin to cycle, so we took a boat across and met up with senjie and felix after sometime. Though it was tiring cycling around ubin however we enjoyed ourselves rushing downhills. We even discovered monitor lizards and a cobra, one funny thing is we got chased by a few black dogs around. After the trip we went back to the chalet and starting bbqing and gaming again. I knocked out when it was around 2 plus in the morning while the others were still playing silent hill wahahaha... I actually fell asleep on the shitty sofa and I found out someone got me a pillow on the next morning. Soon after I reached home I ate my lunch and went into "hibernation" mode. I slept from 5pm till the next day 9 am... That felt so good! wahhaa...

some shots of events in chalet:


Posted by ...B...a...B...y...J...u...N...

Wednesday, September 13, 2006 @8:42 pm

Today is the day where lies the fate of my future in proceeding to the second semester because the release of results is TODAY at 12pm.

This morning I went shooting at Chestnut Ave after a day of hard work, all of us were tired and stressed out. After the shooting and planning for tommorrow's shooting at Sunplaza park I went home planning to check results. Once I reach home I went to SAS But I can't check the results SEH ... So I called Zid to help me check and he sent me this: (view my results above)

Yea got DIST for my Video Production woot!~ Unfortunately I didn't do well for my GEMS: Revealing Eye in Digital Photography i guess is because i didn't put enough effort to it right hfz? Anyways I'm grateful that I can proceed to the next semester. :D


Posted by ...B...a...B...y...J...u...N...

Tuesday, September 12, 2006 @9:28 am

Today I woke up early and got nothing to do so i posted this:

Project IndigoA secret scientific project handled by the Military called Project Indigo had just begun. The main goal is to find out whether if not the DNA can really be activated and cause one to be an Indigo Child. The test subjects are random people chosen so as to ensure no biasness in the experiment. The Military believes an Indigo Child would prove valuable as an ultimate defense tool. Eva is one of the many test subjects and human that is manipulated like a lab mice as if her life means nothing. Will she survive the ordeal?

Day one of shooting: 12 Sept 2006 (one day after 9/11) wahAaha

Posted by ...B...a...B...y...J...u...N...

Monday, September 11, 2006 @6:33 pm

Windows genuine advantage notifications occur when your computer hasn't passed the validation test. The validation test can be failed due to being sold a pirated (non-genuine) copy of XP, or because you have changed your XP product key to a software-generated key. The failed validation installs three types of notifications on your computer: one on the log in screen, one log in timer, and one balloon. It also stops updates from Microsoft and disables your ability to install IE7 and Windows Media Player 11. This solution can get rid of all three notifications, even though you will still not be able to update. Unfortunately, you can only update if you buy a valid Microsoft product key again.

Find out more at: http://www.wikihow.com/Remove-Windows-Genuine-Advantage-Notifications


Download the remover program here: http://www.softpedia.com/get/Tweak/Uninstallers/RemoveWGA.shtml

Posted by ...B...a...B...y...J...u...N...

@6:19 pm

Short Music Video directed By Jay Chou:

Part 2:

Posted by ...B...a...B...y...J...u...N...

@6:15 pm

US remembers 9/11 five years on

President Bush said he would "not forget the lessons "of 9/11Ceremonies are being held in the US to mark the fifth anniversary of the 11 September attacks.
President George W Bush began the commemorations on Sunday by laying a wreath at Ground Zero, the site of New York's Twin Towers.
Flags will fly at half-mast and bells will toll in New York at the time the North Tower was struck. Relatives will read the names of the victims.
A total of 2,973 people died in the four al-Qaeda-led attacks.
As the US began the anniversary, an apparently new video has been aired from al-Qaeda deputy leader Ayman al-Zawahri, who urged Muslims to increase resistance against the US.

Relatives those who died in the attacks will gather in New York to read out the names of the 2,749 victims of the World Trade Center attacks, punctuated by four silences.

They will be at 0846 local time (1246 GMT) - when the first plane struck the North Tower - then at 0903 (1303 GMT), 0959 (1359 GMT) and 1029 (1429 GMT), the times of the second strike and the falling of the two towers.
Silences will also be observed at the Boston airport where the planes that hit the Twin Towers took off.

Posted by ...B...a...B...y...J...u...N...

@5:48 pm

Broken Rose by hfz and Team:

Though actress is really bad in acting but hope all of you enjoy! :)

Posted by ...B...a...B...y...J...u...N...

@5:42 pm

Valentine's Patriot by ShyIndependent Productions

This is the video my team members and I had done for our school project:

A simple story of an Assassin in dilemma, Valentine, as he falls head over heels over a girl, Ophelia. His infatutation for her compromised his will to carry out his missions successfully. "Country above self" over rules "love conquers all"? ...

Hope you enjoy the show :)

Posted by ...B...a...B...y...J...u...N...


Name: Teo Jun Jie
Nickname: J.J
Nickname: BaByJuN
D.O.B: 31 Mar 1988
Tanah Merah/Bedok North Kid
School: Singapore Polytechnic (SMIT)
Multimedia Student




Li Shan



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Layout: Zid

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